Rotary Jetting Tools
Jet Drills
Gas Separator
Acoustic Well Stimulation
Pulse Drilling
Coiled Tubing Well Tractor
Water Cannon
Engineering Services
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Technical Papers



Customers and Projects

bullet Flow International Corporation:   failure testing of 100,000 psi, 25 liter pressure vessel 
bulletU.S. Department of Energy/National Energy Technology Center:  cooperative development agreement for HydroPulse tool development, CO2 drilling system feasibility study, seismic-while-drilling tool testing
bulletNational Science Foundation:   blind rivet inflation feasibility study
bulletCigar Lake Mining Corporation:   borehole mining productivity model, hydraulic system for uranium ore slurry transport http://www.world-nuclear.org/sym/2004/schmitke.htm


bulletPetroleum Technology Transfer Council: Microhole Technology Program
bulletDrilling Engineering Association:  joint industry drilling research projects
bulletSociety of Petroleum Engineers:   technical papers and conferences

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