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Gas-powered acoustic well stimulation tool  

The NITROBLAST™ tool creates high-power, 190 dB (SPL), sound at 2-20 kHz to stimulate gas production from shallow wells.  The tool is powered with nitrogen or other inert gas so that fines and debris are flushed into the wellbore during stimulation.

bulletDrilling damage removal from coal bed methane and shale completions
bulletPerforation damage removal
bulletTight gas well stimulation
bulletDepleted well stimulation
bulletStimulation during routine well unloading operations

Note: Operation is limited to shallow wells with a maximum bottomhole circulating pressure of 5 MPa (725 psi)


Diameter and length (connected)

95.3 x 265 mm  (3.75” x 10.4”)

Tool connections

CT150010SA or CT206210SA

Serviceable well bore pressures

0.5 – 5 MPa  (75 – 725 psi)

Design differential pressure

4 – 26 MPa  (600 – 3800 psi)

Design flow rate

10 – 50 scmm (350 – 1800 scfm)

Acoustic power at design pressures

10 – 75 kW

Frequency Range

2 - 20 kHz






Download NitroBlast™ Brochure

Contact Tempress for rental terms.